Tag Archives: Health

What Women Need to Know About Men’s Health – Talking About Men’s Health™

What Women Need to Know About Men’s Health – Talking About Men’s Health™

Dear Doctor: As a wife, daughter, sister, and mother of two boys, I’m surrounded by men. What do I need to know about men’s health?

A: I’ve always maintained that men’s health is a women’s issue, since when men are healthier, their partners become healthier too (along with their children and communities). Here are the basics:

Male-Specific Health Problems

  • Testicular Cancer. This is the most common cancer in men ages 15 to 35. Although it can’t be prevented, thanks to improved treatments and diagnostics, it has a very high cure rate if caught early.
  • Low T. Testosterone is the most important male hormone, yet millions of men suffer from testosterone deficiency, which, left untreated for too long, is linked with long-term health problems such as loss of muscle mass, low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, inability to concentrate, and even osteoporosis.
  • Prostate Problems. This walnut-sized gland produces semen and naturally enlarges as men age. Potential problems include prostatitis and BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) which can cause swelling and painful or difficult urination.
  • Prostate Cancer. Prostate cancer is a concern for men 50 and older, or high-risk men 40 and older (including African-Americans, men with a family history of prostate cancer, and men exposed to Agent Orange), all of whom should be screened yearly. Caught early, this disease is often treatable.
  • Erectile Dysfunction. ED is the inability of a man to get or maintain an erection sufficient for his sexual needs or the needs of his partner. Although ED becomes more common with age, men of any age can suffer from it–and most briefly do at some point in their life. Erectile problems are usually caused by an underlying health problem, such as diabetes, clogged arteries, or high blood pressure. Unfortunately, most men won’t discuss ED with either their partners or sexologist in Delhi. As a result, men feel embarrassed, and women feel that their men no longer find them attractive. So if you want to make love and he says he has a headache, pay attention: it might be something far more serious.

Recognizing Other Health Problems

Male-only conditions aren’t the only ones men suffer from. They die at higher rates than women from stroke, heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, and cancer. When a warning light flashes on the car dashboard, most men take the car to the shop. But when warning lights flash on their body, they ignore them. Here are a few flashing lights you should look out for:

  • Changes in Bowel or Bladder Habits. This can be an indication of prostate or bladder problems. And blood in the urine is a common indicator of kidney problems. Does he get up repeatedly at night to go to the bathroom? Chances are he won’t notice, but you will.
  • Symptoms. Persistent backaches, changes in the color of urine or stool, obvious changes in warts or moles, unusual lumps, recurrent chest pains or headaches, bleeding that won’t stop, nagging cough, unexplained weight loss, and extreme fatigue can all be symptoms of serious health problems.
  • Depression. Although women may be more likely to attempt suicide, men are four times more likely to succeed. Because men are reluctant to ask for help and may try to hide their depression, you may recognize the symptoms sooner than he does. These can include being angry or anxious, having trouble sleeping, social isolation, complaining of feeling empty or helpless, engaging in risky or reckless behavior, or losing interest in hobbies or other pleasurable activities (including sex).
  • Osteoporosis. Although usually considered a women’s disease, osteoporosis affects men too, and is generally under-diagnosed in men. This disease, which causes the bones to become fragile and more likely to break, can lead to permanent disability or death.
  • Breast Cancer. Men have breast tissue too, and 400 men die of breast cancer each year. Men often confuse their symptoms with a sports or work injury, and because they’re less likely to recognize or report symptoms, they’re usually diagnosed only after the disease has spread.

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Dealing with Unsolicited Fertility Advice from Others – Talking About Men’s Health™

Dealing with Unsolicited Fertility Advice from Others – Talking About Men’s Health™

They’re probably just trying to help, but getting an earful of advice from others about your infertility issue can be incredibly uncomfortable. And belittling. And distressing. Like you haven’t already been endlessly researching options and talking with providers. Untargeted infertility advice is often way off target…and it just keeps coming. But, although no one has been through exactly what you have, they may still be able to support you.

Eight Ways Out

How should you react to statements that seem to rub salt in your emotional wounds?

  • Realize that you may never be able to respond to the statement, “You can always adopt.” This may just not be part of your vocabulary.
  • When you hear that “What happens will happen,” remember that the source of the advice is not God or Darwin and that hope floats all boats.
  • When confronted with “Look on the bright side,” understand that it’s OK to pass on bright things for now.
  • Let the statement, “At least it’s not cancer” remind you that not everyone can validate the experiences of others. Forgive them.
  • And remember to hug the friend that says, “I wish there was something I could say to make things better.”
  • Know your limits when others talk about their pregnancies or their children in your presence. And kindly excuse yourself from the conversation if those limits are reached.
  • Find ways to connect and communicate with others on topics that you used to enjoy talking about.
  • Try to think of advice from friends as a prickly form of support which could make it all a bit more palatable and tolerable.

I’m convinced that infertility affects lives just as much as cancer does. But not everybody knows that. It can take a herculean effort to simply survive, and even more to thrive. So, do what you have to do to get through this, because just surviving will make you an infinitely stronger human being. In the words of Sarah Lewis, “We thrive not when we’ve done it all, but when we still have more to do.”

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COVID Affects Everything—Even Your Sex Life – Talking About Men’s Health™

COVID Affects Everything—Even Your Sex Life – Talking About Men’s Health™

Dear Healthy Men: I had a nasty case of COVID-19 several months ago. It’s taken a while, but I’m fully recovered—except for one thing: I’ve been having trouble getting and keeping an erection. I know that most men have erection troubles at some point, but I never have before and I’m wondering whether there could be any connection between COVID and sexual difficulties.

A: What a great question. In a word, the answer is Yes. A recent study published in the Journal of Endocrinological Investigation explored that exact question. Professor Emmanuele A. Jannini, M.D., of the University of Rome Tor Vergata and his colleagues found a definite connection between erectile dysfunction (ED) and COVID-19. How does it work? According to Jannini, there are several likely culprits:

  • Overall health issues. Like it or not, ED is a good indicator of our overall health and is often a symptom of an underlying health problem. And since COVID-19 can aggravate (or cause) many health concerns, it’s no wonder that there’s a connection to ED.
  • Psychological issues. In addition to the damage COVID-19 can do to one’s physical health, there are also numerous mental health issues, including depression and anxiety, both of which can cause ED. Men’s Health Network (MHN, menshealthnetwork.org) and the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI, pcori.org) recently organized a conference entitled “Behavioral Health Aspects of Depression and Anxiety in the American Male,” which discussed this topic in detail. MHN and PCORI have also put together a series of webinars on the effects of COVID-19 on the mental health of men and boys. You can read more about the conference and the webinar series at either website.
  • Cardio issues. Many people with COVID have developed cardiovascular problems, including dangerous levels of inflammation in the heart and circulatory system. And any problems with blood circulation may result in ED.

To dig deeper into the connection between COVID and ED, I spoke with Dr. Judson Brandeis (brandeismd.com), who’s a urologist and an expert in men’s sexual medicine. He’s concerned that “the COVID-19 pandemic will result in widespread erectile dysfunction.” How? Brandeis explains the big picture this way: “Erectile function is highly dependent on pressurized blood flow, which starts at the heart, pulses through the large arteries, and then flows through the small blood vessels. Conditions like diabetes, high cholesterol, and smoking cause damage to the inner lining of the blood vessels, which causes ED. So does COVID-19.” That’s fairly to understand. But there’s also a more complicated—yet fascinating—explanation.

“The coronavirus hijacks our own cells to create new copies of itself, which then get released throughout our body,” Brandeis says. “However, since our body has never seen this virus before, it hasn’t developed the antibodies that would allow it to mount a targeted defense. As a result, it tries to stamp out the invader by launching a massive, non-specific immune response. The body’s massive response ends up damaging itself—particularly the endothelium, which is the delicate layer of cells that lines our blood vessels.” The bottom line: blood vessels are narrowed and blood flow is restricted, which increases erectile dysfunction.

Ask your doctor about ways to protect your endothelium. Several clinical trials are currently exploring the use of nitric oxide (a chemical produced naturally in our body that acts as a vasodilator, relaxing the lining of blood vessels and increasing blood flow). According to Brandeis, the results so far are optimistic. Also, get vaccinated as soon as possible. That will help your body produce the right antibodies and may reduce blood-vessel damage. In the meantime, keep wearing a mask and avoid groups of people.

Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay 

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When It Comes to Your Health, Your Penis May Be the Canary in the Coal Mine – Talking About Men’s Health™

When It Comes to Your Health, Your Penis May Be the Canary in the Coal Mine

Dear Healthy Men: Like a lot of men my age (I’m 44), I have occasional problems in bed. I think it’s happening because I’m stressed about finances and life in general. I’ve been taking medication that helps, but my wife is concerned that it might be a symptom of something more serious and is urging me to get checked out. Could she be right?

A: Your wife sounds like a smart lady—and she’s definitely right. While there’s no question that erectile dysfunction (ED) can be caused by depression or anxiety, there’s also no question that it can be caused by existing or impending physical problems. These include cardiovascular issues (including high blood pressure and high cholesterol), diabetes, hormone imbalances (including too-high levels of prolactin and/or too-low levels of testosterone), urinary tract problems, spinal cord injury, and some neurological issues.

What most of these conditions have in common is that they effect blood flow throughout the body. And since the arteries in the penis are smaller in diameter than those in the heart, it doesn’t take much to reduce or block blood flow there, which in turn may lead to ED. That’s why it’s more common for men with known coronary artery disease to complain about ED than it is for men with ED to complain about heart problems—but that doesn’t mean that those heart problems don’t exist. In fact, “having ED can predict that a man will probably have heart disease symptoms within five years,” according to the Cleveland Clinic (my.clevelandclinic.org). They add that, overall, “having ED is as much a risk factor for heart disease as a history of smoking or a family history of coronary artery disease.”

Okay, so now you understand the connection between ED and other health issues. But putting aside sex for the moment, do you have erections during the night or first thing in the morning? Most adult males have three to five erections every night, each lasting roughly five to twenty minutes. Judson Brandeis (brandeismd.com), the urologist and men’s sexual medicine expert I quoted here a few weeks ago, says that these nighttime erections (technically referred to as “nocturnal penile tumescence” or NPT; less-technically referred to as “morning glory” or “morning wood”) are the body’s way of providing oxygenated blood to the penis and keeping scar tissue from forming.

NPT can be very helpful in diagnosing or ruling out underlying physical problems. For example, if you have frequent, strong NPTs but suffer from ED when you try to have sex, your medical provider may be able to rule out conditions or diseases that affect blood flow, and may want to investigate psychological causes instead. On the other hand, a decrease in—or total lack of—NPT is a strong indicator that the problem isn’t “just in your head,” and is, instead, physical.

So follow your wife’s advice and schedule a physical exam. Tell the sexologist about your ED (yes, it may make you uncomfortable, but do it anyway) and ask to be screened for high blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes. Also be sure to talk about lifestyle issues: both cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption are strongly associated with ED.

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